Learning something new comes with some challenge
s. This is no different for flying a drone and learning how to use all the features they offer. With that in mind, you may want to start out with a beginner’s drone.
Once you master how to fly your beginner drone, you can move on to more expensive units to fully take advantage of this technology. And this technology is no longer limited to creatives.
As a small business in the tourism, real estate, construction, photography, and other industries, you can use a drone to capture exceptional video. From HD photographs to 8K videos, a drone can showcase your business in new ways.
Here are 7 drones for beginners to get you started on that journey.
Best Drones for Beginners
Top Pick: SNAPTAIN SP650 1080P Drone with Camera
Runner up: Ryze Tech Tello – Mini Drone Quadcopter
Best Value: Holy Stone F181W 1080P Wifi FPV Drone
SNAPTAIN SP650 1080P with Camera
Top Pick: With Voice Control, Gesture Control, Circle Fly, High-Speed Rotation, Altitude Hold, and Headless Mode this is feature packed beginner drone. The camera has a 1080P FHD with 1929X1080 capture at 25fps and 120 120° FOV and 90° adjustable design. You get two batteries for a total of 24 minutes of flight time with a transmitter operation range of 240ft.
SNAPTAIN SP650 1080P Drone with Camera for Adults 1080P HD Live Video Camera Drone for Beginners
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Ryze Tech Tello – Mini Quadcopter
Runner up: Powered by DJI, this drone has 13 minutes of flight time with a maximum speed of 17.9 mph. The camera technology has a high-quality image processor for shooting 5MP (2592×1936) photos and HD720 videos. Another good feature from this brand is the readily available accessories, including batteries, propellers and propeller guards.
Ryze Tech Tello – Mini Drone Quadcopter UAV for Beginners 5MP Camera HD720 Video
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Holy Stone F181W 1080P Wifi FPV
Best Value: The main features on this drone are a great deal for a beginner device. You get 1080p 120°FOV Wide-angle Wifi Camera, FPV Real-time Transmission, Altitude Hold Function, One Key Take Off & Landing, 3D Flips and more. The transmitter operation range can go more than 300 ft. with 8-10 minutes of running time per battery.
Holy Stone F181W 1080P Wifi FPV Drone with Wide-Angle HD Camera Live Video RC Quadcopter
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DEERC D50 with 2K UHD Camera
For the price range, this drone gives you a 2K UHD camera and 120-degree field of view for FPV live videos. A start/land button makes it easy to operate along with a feature for defining an exact flying route on the App map. The two batteries give you up to 24 minutes of flight with 4 speed mode, altitude hold and low power alarm with 300+ feet of control distance.
DEERC D50 Drone with 2K UHD Camera FPV Live Video 120° FOV
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This drone is one of the most reviewed on Amazon from a company known for customer service. You get 16 minutes of flying time with a control distance of 260+ feet. With voice, gesture, and gravity control along with altitude hold and custom path, you will have accurate control. And the camera has 720P resolution for capturing video directly on the micro SD card.
SNAPTAIN S5C WiFi FPV Drone with 720P HD Camera, Voice Control, Wide-Angle Live Video RC Quadcopter
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With a range of more than 295+ feet, this drone can capture 1920X1080P photos and 1280X720P videos with its camera. And it uses WiFi to deliver real-time video feed up to 164 ft. It can fly for 17 minutes with one charge and it
SANROCK X105W Drones with 1080P HD Camera, WiFi Real-time Video Feed, App Control
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This foldable drone has a great design and 12-15 minutes of flight per battery. You can control it with your smartphone or the remote control. This includes functions such as 360 degree flips and rolls, 3 speed modes, one key return, and the 1920X1080 FPV camera with 110 degree wide angle.
SIMREX X900 Drone Optical Flow Positioning RC Quadcopter with 1080P HD Camera
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Things to Consider When Buying a Drone
There are many different types of drones in the marketplace. And the only limitation is your budget because it runs the gamut. But depending on what you want to do, here are some things you should consider.
Types of Drone:
RTF = Ready-to-Fly are almost ready to fly out of the box, all you need to do is charge the battery and attach the propellers.
BNF= Bind-N-Fly drones don not come with controllers. You will have to buy them separately or your smartphone by installing an app.
ARF = Almost-Ready-to-Fly drones are kits that need additional parts before you can fly them. The good thing about these devices is you can really customize them.
PNP = Plug-N-Play drones come with everything except transmitter, receiver, battery, and charger.
FPV = First-Person-View can capture footage and transmit to a smartphone or other compatible devices.
Flying Time: This will determine how long you can fly your drone. So take a look at batteries and charge time.
Range: The range of your device will dictate the type of images you can capture. Find out how far and high it can go.
Camera and Live Feed: Look for HD cameras with up to 8K if possible, along with live feed.
Spare Parts: As much as you’d like to avoid it, you’re going to crash. So, make sure you can get parts easily and quickly.
Flying Guidelines: Find out where you can fly and any specific local rules for flying your device before lifting off.
There are other things to consider when you buy your drone. Fortunately, there are many resources out there. At the very least take into consideration the factors listed above before you buy your beginners’ drone.
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Images: Amazon.com
This article, "Best Drones for Beginners" was first published on Small Business Trends
Once you master how to fly your beginner drone, you can move on to more expensive units to fully take advantage of this technology. And this technology is no longer limited to creatives.
As a small business in the tourism, real estate, construction, photography, and other industries, you can use a drone to capture exceptional video. From HD photographs to 8K videos, a drone can showcase your business in new ways.
Here are 7 drones for beginners to get you started on that journey.
Best Drones for Beginners
Top Pick: SNAPTAIN SP650 1080P Drone with Camera
Runner up: Ryze Tech Tello – Mini Drone Quadcopter
Best Value: Holy Stone F181W 1080P Wifi FPV Drone
SNAPTAIN SP650 1080P with Camera
Top Pick: With Voice Control, Gesture Control, Circle Fly, High-Speed Rotation, Altitude Hold, and Headless Mode this is feature packed beginner drone. The camera has a 1080P FHD with 1929X1080 capture at 25fps and 120 120° FOV and 90° adjustable design. You get two batteries for a total of 24 minutes of flight time with a transmitter operation range of 240ft.
SNAPTAIN SP650 1080P Drone with Camera for Adults 1080P HD Live Video Camera Drone for Beginners
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Ryze Tech Tello – Mini Quadcopter
Runner up: Powered by DJI, this drone has 13 minutes of flight time with a maximum speed of 17.9 mph. The camera technology has a high-quality image processor for shooting 5MP (2592×1936) photos and HD720 videos. Another good feature from this brand is the readily available accessories, including batteries, propellers and propeller guards.
Ryze Tech Tello – Mini Drone Quadcopter UAV for Beginners 5MP Camera HD720 Video
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Holy Stone F181W 1080P Wifi FPV
Best Value: The main features on this drone are a great deal for a beginner device. You get 1080p 120°FOV Wide-angle Wifi Camera, FPV Real-time Transmission, Altitude Hold Function, One Key Take Off & Landing, 3D Flips and more. The transmitter operation range can go more than 300 ft. with 8-10 minutes of running time per battery.
Holy Stone F181W 1080P Wifi FPV Drone with Wide-Angle HD Camera Live Video RC Quadcopter
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DEERC D50 with 2K UHD Camera
For the price range, this drone gives you a 2K UHD camera and 120-degree field of view for FPV live videos. A start/land button makes it easy to operate along with a feature for defining an exact flying route on the App map. The two batteries give you up to 24 minutes of flight with 4 speed mode, altitude hold and low power alarm with 300+ feet of control distance.
DEERC D50 Drone with 2K UHD Camera FPV Live Video 120° FOV
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This drone is one of the most reviewed on Amazon from a company known for customer service. You get 16 minutes of flying time with a control distance of 260+ feet. With voice, gesture, and gravity control along with altitude hold and custom path, you will have accurate control. And the camera has 720P resolution for capturing video directly on the micro SD card.
SNAPTAIN S5C WiFi FPV Drone with 720P HD Camera, Voice Control, Wide-Angle Live Video RC Quadcopter
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With a range of more than 295+ feet, this drone can capture 1920X1080P photos and 1280X720P videos with its camera. And it uses WiFi to deliver real-time video feed up to 164 ft. It can fly for 17 minutes with one charge and it
SANROCK X105W Drones with 1080P HD Camera, WiFi Real-time Video Feed, App Control
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This foldable drone has a great design and 12-15 minutes of flight per battery. You can control it with your smartphone or the remote control. This includes functions such as 360 degree flips and rolls, 3 speed modes, one key return, and the 1920X1080 FPV camera with 110 degree wide angle.
SIMREX X900 Drone Optical Flow Positioning RC Quadcopter with 1080P HD Camera
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Things to Consider When Buying a Drone
There are many different types of drones in the marketplace. And the only limitation is your budget because it runs the gamut. But depending on what you want to do, here are some things you should consider.
Types of Drone:
RTF = Ready-to-Fly are almost ready to fly out of the box, all you need to do is charge the battery and attach the propellers.
BNF= Bind-N-Fly drones don not come with controllers. You will have to buy them separately or your smartphone by installing an app.
ARF = Almost-Ready-to-Fly drones are kits that need additional parts before you can fly them. The good thing about these devices is you can really customize them.
PNP = Plug-N-Play drones come with everything except transmitter, receiver, battery, and charger.
FPV = First-Person-View can capture footage and transmit to a smartphone or other compatible devices.
Flying Time: This will determine how long you can fly your drone. So take a look at batteries and charge time.
Range: The range of your device will dictate the type of images you can capture. Find out how far and high it can go.
Camera and Live Feed: Look for HD cameras with up to 8K if possible, along with live feed.
Spare Parts: As much as you’d like to avoid it, you’re going to crash. So, make sure you can get parts easily and quickly.
Flying Guidelines: Find out where you can fly and any specific local rules for flying your device before lifting off.
There are other things to consider when you buy your drone. Fortunately, there are many resources out there. At the very least take into consideration the factors listed above before you buy your beginners’ drone.
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Images: Amazon.com
This article, "Best Drones for Beginners" was first published on Small Business Trends