Elementary Speech Room
As a speech-language pathologist, my Elementary Speech room just might be my favorite place in the school. I work in the elementary setting and I am fortunate enough to have a large space to call mine. I have worked hard to make my speech room a safe and welcoming environment that fosters communication and embraces the motto “we can do hard things.”
I use my large kidney table when working with most of my kiddos, whether it be individual sessions or groups. Behind my table, I have a rolling cart to hold cleaning supplies, fidgets, pencils, and other commonly used items. Some items I always have next to my table are sticky notes for data and mini erasers for motivators and to use for activities.
I have flexible seating and encourage as much movement as necessary for learning! Generally, I find that my students have better focus when they are allowed to move throughout their session. The blue stools are great for lots of movement and allow for a wide range of motion. You can find the stools here and here (affiliate link). The green stools are perfect for kids who like to sit with their legs up or need just a little more movement than a normal chair allows. You can find similar stools here (affiliate link).
Here is where I keep my games, toys, and other fun items that I may not use at all time. I have a curtain to put over the bookshelf to hide the items from overly excited kiddos, which makes for a great requesting opportunity!
Here are some of my favorite games:
- Pop Up Pirate
- Beware of Bear
- Crocodile dentist
- HedBanz
Here is where I keep my other materials. I have all of my articulation cards in the grey baskets and I love my little library. My growing collection of binders cover topics from articulation to fluency to figurative language. Story Champs has been my favorite language intervention and is one of my most used items in my room. The bottom shelf has extra visuals and low-tech communication symbols ready to grab at a moments notice. Find an awesome low-tech communication bundle here!
All of my assessments, supplemental curriculum guides, and additional materials are in this cabinet. My district has our most used assessments available on Q-Interactive, which allows us to administer assessments using our iPads. My most commonly used assessments are the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals- Second Edition (CELF-2), Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation- Second Edition (GFTA-2), and the Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language- Second Edition (CASL-2).
One of my favorite parts of my room is my affirmation station. Before leaving, students choose an affirmation before leaving their session. This is a great way to build confidence and vocabulary! You can download your own Affirmation Station here.
Thanks for joining me on my speech room tour!
The post Elementary Speech Room appeared first on Simply Special Ed.