Block Unsafe YouTube Shorts/Videos for Kids (While Allowing Their Favorite YouTube Shorts/Videos)

YouTube Shorts and How They Are Harmful for Kids
When TikTok started trending with its short video formats, other video sharing platforms followed suit. YouTube Shorts was the YouTube’s version of short video formats not exceeding 60 seconds duration while Instagram rolled out the Instagram Reels feature.
YouTube Shorts was designed to be addictive to keep users engaged and binge watch through videos. Although Shorts is a new and exciting feature, it’s not tailored for children at all. It is particularly harmful for them, as it leads to a lack of focus, attention, and productivity among children. Moreover, Shorts videos tend to showcase explicit content such as nudity, use of strong language, or violence.
If you were to browse the Internet in search for ways to block YouTube Shorts, you will find write-ups showing methods to tweak YouTube settings, or to use parental control apps that would block YouTube itself altogether.
However, if you are looking for a Solution that Completely Blocks YouTube Shorts whereas Allows YouTube Shorts from Specific Parent Approved YouTube Channels, then that is a feature being offered by a Unique and First-of-its-Kind Content Filtering App called Yocofee.
Along with YouTube in-built Filter, Yocofee provides additional features of Selective and Conditional Content Filtering which can be Controlled by Parents.
And Yocofee features content filtering and content blocking for not just YouTube but also for Instagram.
Block YouTube Shorts in Yocofee with these 2 Simple Steps:
1. Create a Safe YouTube Channels Playlist with Yocofee
Parents can add all the Kid’s favorite channels to the playlist and curate a YouTube ‘Favorites’ Playlist for the Kids.

Parents can add as many channels as they want to the playlist.

2. Block YouTube Shorts in the Yocofee Settings

A toggle bar is provided in the Yocofee Settings page to Enable or Disable YouTube Shorts. With this feature, Parents can Completely Allow or Completely Block All YouTube Shorts.
If ‘No’ is selected, all YouTube Shorts from unapproved channels will be BLOCKED, whereas all YouTube Shorts from the Parent-Approved YouTube Channels Playlist will be ALLOWED for kids to watch.

Refer snapshot ‘A’; an e.g., of a Parent-Approved Playlist of YouTube Channels curated in Yocofee.
Refer snapshot ‘B’; if kids click on Shorts and that corresponding channel is not in the Yocofee’s YouTube playlist, e.g., “PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS” YouTube channel is not in the above playlist, (i.e. it is not an approved channel) then all Shorts from that channel are BLOCKED for kids.
Refer snapshot ‘C’; if a corresponding channel is in the parent-approved playlist, all Shorts from that channel are allowed for kids. E.g., “Cocomelon — Nursery Rhymes” YouTube channel is in the playlist, hence all Shorts from that channel are ALLOWED for kids.
If you’re wondering if Instagram Reels can be configured in the same manner, i.e. Block Unsafe Instagram Reels/Videos for Kids (while Allowing their Favorite Instagram Reels/Videos), then do check out our next story.
Yocofee is bundled with Content Filtering for YouTube and Instagram, Smart On-Device Network Firewall and Apple Family Controls Framework to provide a safe content viewing experience for kids.
Yocofee is available for iPhones and iPads and can be downloaded from the Apple App Store.
Visit for more details.
The post Block Unsafe YouTube Shorts/Videos for Kids (While Allowing Their Favorite YouTube Shorts/Videos) appeared first on The Good Men Project.