80 Hilariously Relatable Memes From The ‘Sarcasm Only’ Instagram Page (New Pics)
Ah, a thunderstorm. The weather is absolutely gorgeous today! Shall we go for a walk?
If you constantly find yourself suppressing the urge to spit out sarcastic remarks to everyone you interact with, we’ve got the perfect list for you down below, pandas.
We’ve taken a trip to the Sarcasm Only Instagram account to find some of the best memes that you fluent sarcasm speakers might appreciate, so enjoy scrolling through these hilariously relatable pics. And be sure to upvote the ones that make you feel seen!
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Image credits: sarcasm_only
Image credits: sarcasm_only
Sarcasm is a highly divisive style of speaking. For some of us, it’s become an uncontrollable impulse to reply sarcastically when anyone utters an obvious statement, but for others, it’s considered a rude and sharp way of communicating. We can understand both sides, but if you’re not a fan, please make way for the sarcasm fanatics! The Sarcasm Only Instagram account is the perfect place for those of us who just can’t help but reply with, “Yeah, right!” or “No waaay!” It’s a medical condition, we really can’t control it!
This popular page, which has shared over 21k posts and amassed a whopping 16.2 million followers, isn’t just about mocking others. It also posts hilarious self-deprecating memes, sarcastic commentary on anything and everything and jokes that all of us can relate to. So sit back, grab a snack, relax and enjoy all of these memes that might make you feel bonded to your fellow sarcastic soul mates. Unless you’re looking at this while you’re working, then you should really take your time going through it. Otherwise, you’ll have to go back to work!
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Image credits: EmployeeTears
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According to Jennifer Betts at Your Dictionary, there are several different types of sarcasm that can be employed to get your message across: self-deprecating, deadpan, brooding (saying the opposite of what you mean in an irritated tone) and juvenile (saying obnoxious statements that may come across as annoying). We’re all familiar with self-deprecating, as we all have plenty of flaws that we’re great at making fun of! And deadpan is pretty self-explanatory as well, although it can often confuse receivers who aren’t quite sure if the remark was serious or sarcastic.
But many of us use brooding and juvenile sarcasm frequently as well. One example Betts provides of brooding sarcasm might be saying, “That’s just what I needed today!” after something terrible happens. And you might use juvenile sarcasm to respond with, “Really? No way!” after a friend says something incredibly obvious. And while your mother might not approve of your constant use of sarcasm in your daily life, you may want to remind her that you learned how to use it from reading great literature, as even Shakespeare himself was an aficionado of this style of humor.
Image credits: BrennanCaldwell
Image credits: itssherifield
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According to Francesca Gino at Scientific American, there may even be some surprising benefits to using sarcasm, aside from the fact that it keeps annoying people away from you. Many communication experts and marriage counselors caution individuals to steer clear of using sarcasm, as it can be perceived as rude or offensive at times, but according to research, these ironic remarks can also boost creativity. Gino and her team found that participants in a study who engaged in sarcastic conversation fared better on creativity tasks than those who engaged in sincere or neutral dialogues.
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Why is it that sarcasm can help boost our creativity? Well, Gino explains that the brain has to work a little harder to understand or interpret a sarcastic comment, so it can lead to clearer and even more creative thinking. We have to decode the contradiction between tone and the actual words said, so we can’t just take a sarcastic remark at face value. However, sarcasm also has the power to damage relationships, if used inappropriately, so it’s important to only utilize this tool with individuals who we have healthy relationships with. Gino’s research also found that sarcasm can lead to conflicts if it’s used by people we don’t trust, and even when used by someone we love, we should be careful not to be too critical or harsh.
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Image credits: okMute
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As popular as sarcasm is around the globe, not everyone perceives it the same way. Brits, for example, are known for being extremely polite to strangers, yet incredibly sarcastic to friends and loved ones, as poking fun at one another is seen as a way to express affection. And even in the United States, not everyone can take a sarcastic joke the same way. According to a study that compared college students from upstate New York with students from Memphis, Tennessee, students up North were far more likely to use sarcasm with one another than those in the South. In fact, 56% of Northerners considered sarcasm to be funny, while only 35% of the Southerners thought the same.
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Image credits: TheAndrewNadeau
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Teens in particular tend to love using sarcasm, to tell their parents how cool they are or how much they appreciate having a curfew and restrictions on screen time. But according to the BBC, this sass, as annoying as it may be, can actually be perceived as a sign of intelligence. Little kids don’t understand sarcasm, as they have to grow and develop to realize that not everything should be taken literally. But if your teen is an avid user of sarcasm, you can be proud of the fact that they’re experimenting with language, humor and, of course, they’re smart enough to understand that humans don’t always mean what they say.
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Sarcasm can even be a healthy and harmless way for teens to let off steam. It can be a coping mechanism that can make the stress of school (or the stress of simply being a teen) more bearable. In fact, one study found that depressed and anxious individuals began using sarcasm even more frequently during the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, as their fears needed to be channeled somewhere.
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But as we all know, we have to tread lightly when it comes to sarcasm and use it wisely. Licensed Mental Health Counselor Anthony D. Smith writes for Psychology Today that folks who use sarcasm too often might also harbor passive-aggressive characteristics and be incapable of genuinely expressing their emotions. Sarcasm can be a fun tool to use, but when we utilize it constantly to avoid true intimacy or being honest with ourselves and others, it might be time to scale back on the ironic remarks.
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Image credits: akilahgreen
Image credits: disco_infern0
Is this list making you realize just how much sarcasm is pumping through your veins, pandas? We hope you’re enjoying these relatable memes, and feel free to share your best sarcastic remarks with us in the comments below! We just love when you insult us! Keep scrolling through these pics, and then when you’re finished with this list, be sure to check out Bored Panda’s last article featuring the Sarcasm Only Instagram account right here!
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